
9:00-10:00 S. De Mink The Making of ... a Binary Black Hole abstract pdf
10:00-11:00 P. Amaro-Seoane Doing Gravitational Wave Astronomy with the gravitational capture of compact objects abstract
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 A. Sesana GW astrophysics at all scales with eLISA abstract pdf
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 S. Chaty X-ray binaries as progenitors of gravitational waves abstract pdf
15:00-15:30 I. Dvorkin Merger rates of binary black holes and the stochastic gravitational wave background abstract
15:30-16:00 I. Mandel Gravitational-wave Palaeontology abstract pdf
16:00-16:30 F. Mirabel Formation of binary black holes by implosion abstract
16:30-17:30 Coffee break and discussions

UMR7095 - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris