
9:00-10:00 M. Colpi The path to coalescence of massive black hole pairs abstract pdf
10:00-11:00 M. Volonteri Massive black hole mergers in the Universe abstract pdf
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 V. Ravi Pulsar timing arrays: spanning the chasm between GW source theory and observation abstract
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 L. Lentati Limits On The nHz Gravitational Wave Universe From Pulsar Timing Arrays abstract pdf
15:30-16:00 V. Korol A future challenge for detection of double white dwarf binaries abstract pdf
16:00-16:30 V. Domcke Probing the early Universe with gravitational waves abstract pdf
16:30-17:30 Coffee break and discussions
17:00-17:30 M. Pieroni Primordial GW from universality classes of pseudo-scalar inflation abstract
17:30-18:00 C. Caprini The effect of matter perturbations on the chirp signal abstract pdf
18:00-18:30 N. Tamanini Late-time cosmology with gravitational waves abstract pdf
19:30 Dinner

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