Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Projects : PLANCK
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Planck DPC

Presentation of the project

Responsable : François BOUCHET

Contact : 01 44 32 80 95



Planck is a European Space Agency satellite whose aim is to measure, with the greatest precision ever achieved, the remnants of the cosmological background radiation - the radiation that filled the universe immediately after the Big Bang. Planck will help to answer some of the most important questions in modern cosmology:

  • How did the universe come to be, and when?
  • How did it evolve over time?
  • Will its future be one of infinite expansion, implosion or something else?

Launched on May 14, 2009, the Planck satellite comprises a telescope, two scientific instruments (HFI and LFI: High and Low Frequency Instrument), and a service module. The processing of data from the HFI, HFI DPC (Data Processing Center), as well as their scientific analysis, is organized by an international consortium, under French responsibility, coordinated by IAP.

cnrs  Sorbone Université

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