Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Research group : Origin and evolution of galaxies
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Origin and evolution of galaxies

image_aleatoire Abstraction

Group members


Engineers, technicians and administrators

Temporary lecturers and research assistants

Post-doctoral fellows

PhD students




Research staff

Atek, Hakim

Cox, Pierre

de Lapparent, Valérie

Fioc, Michel

Guillard, Pierre

Le Borgne, Damien

Mamon, Gary

Mohayaee, Roya

Prantzos, Nikos


Dennefeld, Michel

Durret, Florence

Kunth, Daniel

Rocca-Volmerange, Brigitte


Associate researchers

Biviano, Andrea

Cattaneo, Andrea

Dekel, Avishaï

Hakobyan, Artur

Lehnert, Matthew

Lehnert, Matthew

External collaborators

Bertin, Emmanuel

Chu, Aline

Chu, Aline

Furtak, Lukas

Hakobyan, Artur

Pislar, Vincent

Quilley, Louis

Sarron, Florian

Thuan, Trinh Xuan

Trevisan, Marina

Vitral, Eduardo


Sorbonne Univ. benevolent researchers

Roland, Jacques


Future visitors

Ellien, Amaël


PhD students

Bonnefous, Albert

Chemerynska, Iryna

Cologni, Romane

Evangelista, Lorenzo



Nigou, Emma

cnrs  Sorbone Université

UMR7095 - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris - Tél. 33 (1) 44 32 80 00 - Fax 33 (1) 44 32 80 01 | ContactAccessSitemap  | 

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