Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Library
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  • Library map / Collections

The library’s collections are stored in three areas : the reading room, the storeroom and the archives. Library documents are freely available but those located in the archives are available upon request.

Library on the 1st floor

plan de la bibliothèque


The IAP’s libray maintains a collection of over 7,500 books and subscribes to 11 of journals in both print and electronic copy.

An increasing number of documents (especially periodicals) are available on the Internet. The library also allocates a part of its budget to buying books.

A purchase suggestion book is available at the library reception.

System of working documents

Library documents are classified in sections:
a) REFERENCES = Dictionaries and encyclopedias, directories, handbooks, etc. (stacks A1, G1 et H);
b) MASTER = selection of relevant books for the students (stack A2);
c) RESEARCH = specialized books covering various research fields important to the IAP (stacks B-G) ;
d) PERIODICALS = general scientific journals («  La recherche », «  Nature », «  Science », ...) and academic scientific journals («  Astrophysical Journal », «  Astronomy & Astrophysics », «  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society », ...).

The documents are freely available unless otherwise indicated.

N.B.: The MASTER section is primarily intended for student use.

Classification system

Our own library classification system is used for the majority of Library documents (sections REFERENCES and RESEARCH). The Dewey Decimal Classification system is used for the MASTER section.

* Dictionaries / Encyclopedias AA    
* Directories AB    
* Biographies AC    
* History of science AD    
* Scientific institutions AE    
* Atlas AF    
* Information science AG    
* Bibliographies / Cours AH    
* Handbooks AJ   11X
Computer science   005 139
Mathematics   510 15X
Astronomy   520 12X
Astrophysics   523.01 130-138
Physics   530 14X
Mathematics & mechanics   531-532 16X
Geophysics   551 17X
Geography, Earth science, Chemistry   910, 551, 540 18X
cnrs  Sorbone Université

UMR7095 - Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - 98 bis boulevard Arago - 75014 Paris - Tél. 33 (1) 44 32 80 00 - Fax 33 (1) 44 32 80 01 | ContactAccessSitemap  | 

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