Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Observational service tasks
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Observational service tasks

The IAP is an Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU, "Observatory for the Sciences of the Universe"). As such, it takes part in providing service national d'observation (SNO, "national observational service") in astronomy and astrophysics, which are defined on a national level by the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU, "National Institute for the Sciences of the Universe") within the framework of the Actions Nationales pour l'observation en Astronomie-Astrophysique, and for the benefit of the international astronomical community. A database of the observational services identified and recognized by INSU can be searched by OSU. These services branch out into scientific tasks. These are particularly important for astronomers who are hired and evaluated by the Conseil National des Astronomes et Physiciens (CNAP, “National Council of Astronomers and Physicists”).

The IAP is involved in observational services within the Actions Nationales ANO2, ANO3, ANO4, ANO5 and ANOCC.

    ANO1 Space and time metrology

    ANO2 Instrumentation in large observatories on the ground and in space

  • Scientific task EUCLID (in French)
  • Scientific task Gaia (in French)
  • Scientific task LISA (in French)
  • Scientific task SPIRou (in French)
  • Scientific task SVOM (in French)
  • ANO3 Observation stations

  • Scientific task Observatories in Chili: APEX/ArTéMiS (in French)
  • ANO4 Large surveys, deep probes and long term follow-up

  • Scientific task EUCLID (in French)
  • Scientific task SPIRou Legacy Survey (in French)
  • Scientific task Large spectroscopic surveys with WEAVE (in French)
  • ANO5 Centers for data analysis, archiving and access

  • Scientific task GASPIC (in French)
  • ANOCC Community codes

  • Scientific task RAMSES (in French)
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