XXIVth IAP Colloquium

Far away : light in the young universe at redshift beyond three

Monday July 7 to Friday July 11, 2008

List of EGAMI's Presentation(s)

Precise if your presentation is oral or a poster : oral
Title of your presentation : HST/NICMOS and Spitzer/IRAC observations of 5.7 < z < 7 galaxies in the Subaru Deep Field

We are currently conducting a large HST-Spitzer coordinated program (72 orbits/102 hours, respectively) to observe 20 spectroscopically confirmed Ly-alpha emitters and Lyman-Break galaxies at 5.7 < z < 7 in the Subaru Deep Field, trying to characterize their underlying stellar populations. We will present a preliminary report on this program based on the data taken so far for the 1/3 of the sample.

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