Résumé / Abstract Journal-club_GReCO

Séminaire / Seminar GReCO

« Spontaneous scalarization: a promising avenue for gravitational-wave astronomy »

D. Gerosa
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, Royaume-Uni)

Although Solar System and binary-pulsar experiments test General Relativity to remarkable accuracy, the strong-field regime of the theory is still untested and lies in the realm of gravitational-wave astronomy. Testing General Relativity requires developing signatures in alternative theories of gravity, to be tested against future observations. The simplest and most famous of these models are scalar-tensor theories, where the spacetime metric is coupled to one or more scalar fields. I present new fully non-linear numerical simulations of core collapse and neutron-star formation in scalar-tensor theories. The presence of a non-perturbative effect called “spontaneous scalarization” (somewhat similar to spontaneous magnetization in ferromagnets) makes the dynamics of the collapse and formation of such objects qualitatively different from General Relativity thus providing an ideal way to constrain the parameters of the theory. In case of a Galactic core collapse event, preliminary results indicate that Advanced LIGO may be able to place independent constraints on the parameters of the theory at a level comparable to current Solar-System and binary-pulsar measurements, while formation of neutron stars with prominent scalar hair could be visible up to the Virgo cluster.
I also present the first investigation of spontaneous scalarization for relativistic stars in tensor-multi-scalar theories. Theories with more than one scalar field are remarkably interesting because the scalar fields are free to interact with each other in their own “target-space” manifold.

Monday 25 January 2016 - 11:00
Salle des séminaires Évry Schatzman
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
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