Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris - Manifestations : public conferences
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Other conferences

Apart from the monthly conferences, exceptional public conferences are organized by the Institut d'astrophysique de Paris on the occasion of various events in the life of the laboratory (annual colloquia, chair Blaise Pascal etc.).

  • Tuesday 04 July 2017
    Daniel Rouan
    Lab. d'Etudes Spatiales et d'Instrumentation en Astrophysique (LESIA), Obs. Paris-Meudon-Nancay, Meudon, France
    "Le compte des mille et une exoplanètes"
    Wednesday 12 October 2016
    George Ellis (Docteur Honoris Causa)
    Dept. Mathematics Applied Mathematics, Univ. Cape Town, Le Cap, Afrique du Sud
    "Testability in science and cosmology"
    Tuesday 30 June 2015
    Didier Queloz
    Obs. Genève, Univ. Genève, Sauverny, Suisse
    "Exoplanètes : la surprenante diversité des autres mondes du cosmos "
    Wednesday 19 November 2014
    Jean-Pierre Lasota-Hirszowicz
    Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France
    "Des jets et des trous noirs"
    Invited by : KUNTH Daniel

  • To find out more:

    • The video recordings of the conferences are visible online on the Canal-U Web TV

    In 2013, a series of monthly conferences entitled “Le ciel entre science et religions” (The Sky: between science and religion), was jointly organized by the École Pratique des Hautes Études (IESR-EPHE) and the IAP, and open to the public on the IAP premises.

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